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Gary S. Goldman _ Associates

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The bottom line is profit. You can’t guess whether or not you’re going to make a profit and you can’t prepare a plan of action to turn things around if the operating and financial information you receive is inaccurate, inconsistent, misinterpreted, outdated or incomplete. This is the case with a majority of small and medium sized landscaping, irrigation, masonry, and pavement maintenance businesses and often times, the reason why they fail.

If you’re a small or medium

sized business, ask yourself

Do I have the tools in place that accurately tell me the cost of operating

my business OR… 

do I just guess?

Can I project my month-end, quarter-end and year-end financial results OR 

are the final numbers always a surprise to me?

Do I have the tools in place that accurately tell me the cost of operating

my business OR… 

do I just guess?

Are standard operating procedures set up in my business, and better yet, do my supervisors and

workers know about them, and follow them ... consistently?

Am I getting the information I need, when I need it….and, is it accurate?

Does what my workers say; agree with what my supervisors say;

and does that agree with what I’m being told by my customers and vendors?

If any one of these questions has ever come to mind, we need to meet!

Gary S. Goldman & Associates

Can Help Your Business

I can teach you a systems approach to your day-to-day operations that will cover all the procedures and techniques you’ll need to make that profit you’ve been working for. The landscaping and pavement maintenance industries are tough markets. I’ve been in your shoes and jumped through the very same hoops you’re jumping through now. I ask you to use my 25+ years of experience in the industry, my success operating multi-million dollar landscape and pavement maintenance businesses, and my skills as a management consultant, speaker, and trainer to your advantage.


My background has afforded me the ability to effectively evaluate operations and financial information. I will review your business, identify your problem areas and develop a plan of action exclusively for you.

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